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More Roof Decking

April 29, 2013

Today was an interesting weather day with strong nw winds blowing 30 knots all day. It made for an interesting outlook as the tide went out and the waves got bigger. I have seen a couple cool things in the last two days – yesterday there was a massive submarine on the surface heading north in Georgia Straight and today there was a bald eagle swimming in the Straight. At first I thought it was drowning or stuck and then I thought it was hanging on to some prey. It’s wings were on the surface along with its head and it was making the occasional motion of the butterfly stroke but for the most part it was just sitting in the middle of the ocean in a howling wind and bobbing with its wings on the surface. Eventually, it just raised its wings and hovered away (similar to a windsurfing waterstart). I’m still not sure what it was doing but I have never seen that before. On the work front we continued to apply the tongue and groove roof deck and hope to have the big pitch above the upper bedrooms complete by tomorrow.